Why It’s So Important to Stay Positive as a Breast Cancer Patient.
I asked one of my oncology nurses if she noticed a difference in success between patients who had a positive attitude and those who didn’t. She responded, “Oh yes! The ones with the best attitudes are the ones most likely to make it.”
I know. It’s difficult to stay positive during this time. The diagnosis, treatments, side effects, recovery, and healing are a long, tough process. They can be painful and tiring, both physically and emotionally. They are frightening and one of the most challenging things you will go through in your life.
While I’m not saying staying positive will make everything go away, or that life will be perfect, it will go a long way toward helping you heal. I’d even dare to say it’s the most crucial part of your healing process.
So, what actions can you take today to stay positive and promote your recovery and healing as a Breast Cancer Patient?
Actions You Can Take Today to Stay Positive as a Breast Cancer Patient
Laugh Daily
One of the first pieces of advice I received after my cancer diagnosis was to find ways to laugh each day.
As the saying goes, “Laughter is the best medicine,” and it’s so true. It can brighten your darkest days and help you feel better. I am so blessed to have a husband with a quiet, witty sense of humor. He is terrific at making the ordinary funny and making me laugh.
During my treatments, we watched a lot of comedy movies that were great for lifting my spirits.
I encourage you to find humor each day and laugh. It can be difficult, but it will help you feel better.
Stay Positive
Take This Time to Immerse Yourself in Positive Things
Read uplifting books, watch movies and shows that make you happy. Censor what comes into your mind as much as possible. Avoid negativity. Avoid negative people, the news, and any other depressing stuff that will bring you down.
Take Special Care of Yourself
Do something every day that makes you happy. Pamper yourself.
Build a Strong Support System
Surround yourself with positive, supportive friends and family. Stay away from negative friends and family members who bring you down. You know who I mean. We all have Negative Nellys in our lives. Try to avoid them during this time.
If you need further support, ask your nurse practitioner or oncology facility for information on local support groups in your area. They can be a valuable resource for positive support. There are also counselors who specialize in helping those with cancer and other diseases.
Don’t try to go through this alone. Make sure you have others to help you and lift you emotionally.
Stop Googling
And most importantly, stop googling whatever it is you are suffering from. While it is essential to stay informed about your medical condition, there is a lot of misinformation on the internet. You will find inaccurate information and statistics that are skewed and untrue. Plus, most of what you see will always show the worst possible cases, symptoms, and pictures. The internet is predominantly negative, especially when it comes to medical information.
Be Grateful
No matter how bad things get in a day, you can always find something in which to be grateful for. Some days, you just have to look a little harder to find them. Make it a habit to find 3-5 things to be thankful for daily. Write them down in a journal. Gratefulness and Hope go hand in hand. When you realize that you have something to be grateful for, it lifts your spirits and gives you hope.
Keep a Journal
There’s something cathartic about writing in a journal. You can let go of the emotions you are holding inside. You find insights in your writing that can help you cope. If possible, write in your journal daily. Put down in words how you feel, even when it’s sad. Be sure to add positive experiences, too. Add quotes that are special to you at this time. Add Bible verses that have meaning to you. And be sure to add the 3-5 things you are grateful for and any blessings you received that day. This journal can be an encouragement as you look back over it and see all that you have overcome.
Hope & Faith
Keep the hope and believe you will be healed from this disease. Don’t allow yourself to think anything else but that you will come through this okay!
As a Christian, I relied heavily on prayer, Bible verses, and songs about healing to help me keep my faith.
When the pathology reports came back as stage four, I was devastated. I cried for hours. When I finally ran out of tears, I reached for my Bible and found every Bible Verse I could find on healing. I typed each one, printed them on card stock, and taped them all over the house – on the refrigerator, my bathroom mirrors, doors, the headboard of our bed, everywhere. As I walked through the house each day for the next several months, I read those verses over and over again. They were my promises from God, and I claimed each one every day. Here is a list of the Bible verses.
If you’d like the free printable version of the Bible verses to create your own cards, sign up for my newsletter. You’ll receive instant access to the LifeReEnvisioned Resource library.
I did the same thing with songs. I made a playlist of songs of hope, healing, and God’s love and listened to them day and night. I knew the words by heart. Sometimes they made me smile, other times they touched my heart so that I would burst into tears. But they always gave me peace.
The Bible verses and the songs became prayers when words failed me. They helped me keep the Hope and Faith that is so desperately needed going through a cancer ordeal.
So, the next time you feel low, try some of the above actions to help you stay positive. And remember, the Lord is always here to help you. You only need to ask Him. He is a comforter in times of trouble. And He can give you unimaginable joy, peace, and strength during this time.
Annette says
Thank you so much for taking the time and energy to do this. My daughter-in-law, Tina, is suffering terribly with anxiety and I have been searching for something like your resource. I will share this link with her too. May God continue to bless you and heal you.
Jelane says
Annette, I’m so glad you found this post. I’m sorry your daughter-in-law is having to go through this. Praying for Tina and that she will find comfort, peace, hope and healing during this journey. I’m always available via email or Facebook if you or Tina want to contact me. I’d love to know how she’s doing. 🙂